

2017年4月にスタートした本事業は、株式会社ニキシモと、株式会社タカラレーベン(現・MIRARTHホールディングス株式会社)と2社共同事業としてスタートし、2018年に完成したランドアート「水庭」(建築:石上純也氏)に、2020年10月にスイートヴィラ(建築:坂 茂氏)及びレストランμ(ミュー)が加わり、「アートビオトープ那須」がグランドオープンしました。しかし、折悪しく開業のタイミングに、1000日に及ぶ新型コロナウイルスの世界的な大流行が重なり、各方面に甚大な影響をもたらし、なかでも観光業の受けたダメージは極めて大きく、その影響は東日本大震災のインパクトを遥かに上回るものと感じられました。その影響が長く尾を引く中で、不本意ながらこの度本事業を終了する運びとなりました。


二期倶楽部創業者/総合プロデューサー 北山ひとみ』



The joint project “Art Biotop” between Nikissimo. Co, Ltd. and MIRARTH Holdings Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Takara Leben Co., Ltd.) has concluded.

This project, which began in April 2017 as a collaboration between Nikissimo. Co, Ltd. and Takara Leben Co., Ltd. was completed in 2018 with the creation of the Land Art “MIZUNIWA” (designed by Mr. Junya Ishigami). In October 2020, the project expanded with the addition of the Suite Villa (designed by Mr. Shigeru Ban) and the restaurant μ (Myu) resulting in the grand opening of “Art Biotop Nasu.”

We have engaged in discussions regarding the continued operation under our brand since last autumn, but the differences in the direction of cultural initiatives pursued by both companies were difficult to reconcile, and we could not reach an agreement. We deeply regret this outcome and sincerely hope for your understanding given the circumstances.

With the conclusion of this project, the operations of “Art Biotop Nasu” (Suite Villa, Residence, Studio, MIZUNIWA) in the same location will cease on November 26, 2023 (Sunday). MIRARTH Holdings Co., Ltd. is planning to operate with a different brand hotel at the same location through its hotel operation department. We do not have detailed information at this time. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us over the years and kindly ask for your continued support in preserving this environment in the future.

“When I first stood on this land in Yokoza at the foothills of Nasu in 1982, I vividly remember being moved by the gentle sound of a beautiful stream in this rugged and mixed landscape of ‘pastureland, abandoned land, wilderness.’ Over the past 40 years, we have developed this land as a cultural resort, from production to operation, with projects such as ‘Niki Club.,’ ‘Art Biotop,’ ‘MIZUNIWA’ and ‘Studio.’ While ‘Niki Club.’ and ‘Art Biotop’ will be entrusted to others, this beautiful location slightly off the main street, described in local history as a beautiful place by a stream just to the side, should continue to receive support for environmental preservation and further development.

Founder/General Producer of Niki Club., Hitomi Kitayama”